Admissions Requirements

The Young Americans College of the Performing Arts seeks students in the formative stages of their artistic development who, because of their talent and commitment to personal growth, stand to benefit most from the training and experiences offered.

Admission Requirements

Before a student is considered for admission into the College Program they must first audition and be accepted into The Young Americans. Once accepted, the student must then meet the following admission requirements:

High School Graduate

Have graduated high school with minimum GPA of 2.0, or equivalent. Students, who do not meet the minimum GPA, may be admitted on a conditional status*.

Application for Admission

Application for admission is to be completed and submitted to the admissions office by the published deadlines.

Transfer Credits

Up to 15 units of college level work to be accepted for transfer for all certificate programs and up to 30 units for AA programs.  Courses that are deemed specific to The Young Americans College of the Performing Arts’ mission and goals will not qualify for transfer under this policy.

Background Check

All members of The Young Americans must pass a background check.


Transcripts from high school and any other college or university work the student may have completed are to be sent to the Admissions office after graduation or completion of any work in progress.

Student Health

Given the physical demands of The Young Americans, prior to admission, all students are required to submit a report from a licensed physician attesting to their physical ability to withstand prolonged and rigorous physical activity. All students must also provide proof of health insurance as a condition of participation.

*Conditional status allows the student to enroll for their first semester of instruction with the college, but requires them to attain a 2.0 GPA for that semester in order to continue enrollment in subsequent semesters. Conditional status admission is at the sole discretion of the College.